How to get scouted

    For sure, temperament isn't the only asset you're going to need if you want to succeed. Your technique needs to be up to scratch if you want to get noticed. A great first touch and a close control are essential to any modern day footballer and the best will be able to play with their head up, spot a pass and execute it without really having to think about it.

    Being able to use both feet is also an important asset to anyone's game. You might look at some of the best players in the world and think they hardly ever use their weaker foot, but they will all be able to use their weaker foot very comfortably. Trying to improve this can make you a much better player.

    With young players you often find they try one too many tricks or take the ball themselves when they should be picking out a team mate who is in a better position. Fancy feet and a high skill set are all well and good, but if you can't use it to the advantage of your self and the team in a 90-minute game then you may as well not use them at all. 

    Speed is such an integral part of the modern game. No matter where you play on the pitch, being able to cover the ground efficiently is so important so if this is one of your weak points, making it into the professional limelight could prove to be an uphill struggle.

    Manchester United scout Geoff Watson is always looking for someone who can have a sudden burst of speed;
    "I am specifically looking for a quick change of pace that will beat a player, or change a game in an instant." 

    Possibly one of the best examples of a player showing how important speed is was Gareth Bale's goal against Barcalona in the Copa Del Rey final back in 2014. 

    This was a fantastic goal from Bale who is renowned for his pace, however, Marc Bartra (number 15) isn't exactly slow. If you want to become a professional footballer, you're going to have to try and find a way to not get beaten like that every time a quick player takes you on.

    This is also the perfect example of how valuable a quick player can be on the counter attack, anyone who can produce the sudden burst of speed like Bale did there has every chance of being noted by a scout.

    Having said that, scouts will always look for players who suit their manager's team and style of play so having bags of pace in the locker doesn't always mean you'll be on the radar.

    Breacker explains;

    "The type of player will vary depending on what the team and manager need at any particular time."

    He adds;

    "For example with strikers who have to play together you may already have a 6ft4 target man who holds the ball up for the team but isn't mobile and isn't a prolific goalscorer who you know the manager likes and will pick when he can so you could be looking for a player who has different attributes i.e. smaller, quick who can score."

    Tactical awareness, often referred to as football IQ, is key to anyone who hopes to make it right to the top. Making the decision to take on a player, pass to a team mate, make that darting run into space or standing up to a tackle instead of diving in are all examples of good tactical awareness.

    Of course, you're not going to be able to make the correct decision all the time but scouts will be looking at the players who are doing it on a regular basis.

    Fulham FC scout Roger Skyrme explains what he does when he goes to watch a football match;

    "You'll rarely see me with my eyes on the ball during a match. I need to find out about a player's character."

    He added;

    "I'll be busy looking at things like their position on the pitch, and whether they're prepared to get stuck in and help their team-mates out."

    Knowing where to be on the pitch at the correct time is imperative, whilst knowing where you're next pass is going before you have received the ball is something you are taught to do from a young age.

    Now's the time...

    To give yourself the best chance of being scouted, working hard during pre season is key. Scouts like Tim will "watch as much video footage as possible to back up what he has seen in live games regarding the players technical and physical ability."

    If you think you have what it takes, get someone to record you during your pre season training and friendlies and put them out there for people to see.

    Being as fit as possible is only going to enhance your chances to prove yourself in games too, so if a scout decides they might like the look of you, you will be able to thank all the hard work you put in now rather than later down the line. 





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