Joe Solomon

    Full Name : Joe Solomon
    Age : 18
    Your Nationality : British
    Best Position : Forward
    Current Club :
    Previous Clubs :
    Which Club you want a trials for :
    Your County : U.K
    Country you live : U.K
    Tell us about your football history (Min 50 words) : You can say I got into football quite late on in my life. Although, I did play when I was about 5 years old, I then stopped for a long time and started again when I was about 15 16 years old. I got scouted by Chelsea FC in that time so i was doing pretty well. I then stopped because of other commitments but now want to try and reach the highest standard possible for me.
    Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : I can use both feet accurately. I have a good stop speed as well as get to top speed quite fast (pace). I have excellent reactions and agility. I like to link play up so I will pass and move. I also am comfortable on one on one situations whether with player or goalkeeper I will try and take them on in order to create a scoring opportunity. I have excellent stamina and will work hard for my team meaning that if I make a mistake, I will do my best to rectify/try and get the ball back. I like creating space for my teammates so I will be constantly running e.g. running down the lines or looking to beat the offside trap and running behind the defender.
    Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : I feel that I am ready for a trial as, I have had time to reflect and enhance my own abilities both physically and mentally. I have learnt that football is not only about strength speed etc, it is about the mind to for example being able to cope/keep or have composure when in difficult situations e.g. taking a penalty as well as keeping you discipline to remain on the pitch as 11 vs 10 is a hard task for the team with less men to win the match. I have kept in shape and feel like i am in the best shape of my life so far so physically I am ready is well.