NAME: Valentino Baptista Soares Rangel
ADD YOUR PROFILE PICTURE Valentino Baptista Soares Rangel
Valentino Baptista Soares Rangel's PLAYING POSITION: MIDFIELD
TOWN: Oxfordshire
COUNTRY: United Kingdom
Valentino Baptista Soares Rangel's NATIONALITY: British
Valentino Baptista Soares Rangel's CURRENT CLUB: Oxford Blackbird leys Rovers and FC Oxford Academy
Valentino Baptista Soares Rangel's PREVIOUS CLUB: Still the same
Valentino Baptista Soares Rangel's LAST TRIAL: 2022-01-26 22:59:30
TODAY'S PROFILE VIEWS FOR Valentino Baptista Soares Rangel : 122 (Refresh to Check)
Valentino Baptista Soares Rangel's PROFILE LIKES: [cb_likes]
Valentino Baptista Soares Rangel HAS 1 FOLLOWER/S
Football Clubs Valentino Baptista Soares Rangel's Wants Trials For:
FC Fulham, FC Cristal Palace, FC Chelsea, FC Tottenham, FC Brentford and FC Arsenal