Edon Ferati
The following player has been approved and is accepted as a good candidate for a Pro Football Trial.
Name Edon Ferati.
Position: Striker
Current Teams: Red Lions FC, Bethwin FC under 21, London Tigers FC under 18
Address: Contact Tony's Soccer School for information
APP-------Goals------ Man of the Match
Red Lions FC Appearances 7 Goals 9, Player of Match 5
Bethwin FC Appearances 22 Goals 19 Player of Match 14
London Tigers Appearances 2 Goals 1 Player of Match 1
Football Awards Achieved
Most Man Of The Matches 2010-2011
Leading Assist 2010-2011
KO CUP WINNERS 2010-2011
Under 18Youth Cup Runners Up 2010-2011
Bethwin S.E F.C 2010-2011
managers Player of the year 2009-2010
Divisional Shield Winners 2009-2010
Under 17 Cup Runners Up 2009-2010
I would to take this opportunity to thank you for sending your time reading this, and I hope we can see face to face and give me a change to prove that I got what it takes to join your club.