Middlesex FA will be holding open trials in order to identify

    potential players for the 2015-16 Under-16 Representative Team.

    These trials will take place at The Heston Centre

    (formerly the British Airways Concorde Club),

    Crane Lodge Road, Cranford, Middlesex.

    TW5 9PQ  on 


    Sunday 2nd August 2015 and Sunday 23rd August 2015.


    On both these dates, registration will begin at 9.45am and

    the trials themselves will run from 10.30am until approximately 1.00pm. 

    Changing facilities will be available and players must bring all

    appropriate kit and plenty of water.


    There will be a final trial held for invited players only on

    Thursday 26th August 2015.


    In order to be eligible, players must be born on or

    between 1st September 1999 and 31st August 2000. 


    For further information or to confirm your attendance

    please email Darrel Gyngell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or

    telephone 07831 594190.


    First Trial: Sunday 2nd August 2015, 9.45am registration

    Second Trial: Sunday 23rd August 2015, 9.45am registration

    Final Trial (invite only): Wednesday 26th August, 5.00pm