FA Youth Award Module 3 - Developing the Player

    Course Pre-requisites

    • 1st4sport Level 2 CCF + FA Youth Award Module 1 + FA Youth Award Module 2 OR

    • UEFA B Licence + FA Youth Coaches Course (12 - 16 or 17 - 21)


    Who is it for?

    Module 3 is designed to support the development of coaches who currently work, or who have a realistic opportunity of working, on a consistent and intensive basis with a group of youth players.

    Course Description

    FA Youth Award Module 3 - Developing the Player

    Within this module, coaches will be required to demonstrate the ability to analyse performance within the principles of play (attacking or defending) and show an aptitude for the design of practices specific to the needs of individual players within their charge. Such practices may involve consideration of role specific requirements within the match play scenario.
    Course Content

    Workshops will consider:

    • Practice and multiple outcomes

    • 'What the players say'

    • Coaching Styles & Intervention Strategies

    • Planning & Design

    • 'What the coaches say'

      Pre-course task

    Candidates will receive a pre-course reading pack two weeks prior to the course, which they are required to read in advance of the course.

    Post-course task

    Certificates of attendance will be issued following submission of completed logbook requirements. Please note, this does not commit candidates to undergo assessment for the Level 3 Youth qualification.

    Course Assessment

    FA Youth Award Module 3 - Developing the Player

    There is a summative assessment at the conclusion of this module which will examine the coaches understanding and application of all the key elements included within Modules 1-3 of the FA Youth Award. Assessment opportunities will be made available to all eligible candidates throughout the year. Candidates will be required to return their Learning Journals to the relevant FA Learning Co-ordinator at least four weeks prior to date for final assessment. Candidates will be required to bring their own players to the practical assessment at a regional venue (dates and venues will be sent to all enrolled candidates).


    Candidates deemed ‘Not Yet Competent’ at the FA Youth Award assessment are able to submit for re-assessment at a cost of £150. Those candidates who take Module 3 via the ‘conversion’ route may be signposted back to Modules 1 and 2 before conducting a re-assessment (dependent upon Module 3 action plan).

    Where to go next?

    Pending approval – FA/UEFA Youth Award Level 4

    Dress code

    Standard dress code on the course is casual. For practically based courses, please bring sufficient outdoor kit/clothing for the duration of the course. The venue ask that candidates refrain from wearing muddy footwear inside the building.

    Should the course require any alternative dress, this will be detailed in the course joining instructions.

    Medical Information / Physical Requirements

    If you have any medical conditions which limit/hinder your involvement or participation in coaching activities, you are obliged to declare any relevant, current or previous injuries/illnesses. If you are diagnosed as an asthmatic, diabetic or epileptic, or have any allergies that the course staff needs to be aware of, you must advise us accordingly. Please note, a declaration of injury or illness does not automatically preclude you from any course.

    You should further be aware that if you are on a regular course of medication for any condition, you must have sufficient medication to cover you throughout the course. Although first aid cover is provided (where applicable) during courses, no doctor is available to replenish regular medication, nor is there any facility to deliver medical treatment for chronic (longstanding) medical conditions.

    Please provide any relevant information regarding the above Medical Information during the application process.

    If your application to enrol is successful candidates will be required to complete a Medical Form prior to commencing the course.

    Football League Funding

    Coaches working exclusively in Academies/Centres of Excellence at Football League clubs may be able to access funding through their club. If your club is providing this funding.