One of the most important, if not the most important aspects

    on the field of play is great communication in football.

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    Good communication is vital if a team is to be successful.

    Players need to communicate effectively with each other to

    play well as a team. If you listen to the players playing in a

    top flight match, one thing you will notice is the amount of

    talking between the players, not only the instructional

    communication but also the level of encouragement

    offered between the players.

    Communication not only means talking to each other,

    but non-verbal communication also plays an important

    part. Directing team-mates using hand signals and other

    gestures both with and without the ball is very important.

    Verbal and non-verbal communication used together can

    be as effective as a well-placed pass, shot or tackle.

    Playing football without talking limits the effectiveness

    of the team and makes winning the game doubly hard.

    We all see players who are gifted with the ball, but

    sometimes let themselves down with their communication,

    failing to show their team-mates what their intention is

    with the ball but also what they expect from them.

    What is worse, it is sometimes these very same players

    who because of their own ability expect the same level

    of play from the weaker players in the team, and when

    the ball goes astray they get frustrated and call out

    negatively to their team-mate. This is an example of

    how important positive chat is on the pitch, because

    negative communication not only gives out the wrong

    signals but also demotivates the other players.

    It can also send a message to the opposition and giving

    them self-belief that telling them that the opposition cannot

    play together.

    Some young players can suffer from low confidence and this

    manifests itself in their ability to talk on the pitch.

    It is important for the football coach to identify this as early

    as possible and encourage the player to use their voice.

    If you have a player who lacks confidence, when it comes

    to instructing team-mates, you need to give them encouragement

    to improve their footballing self-esteem by doing drills

    focussed on talking. This may not come naturally to some

    players, though over time and with practice this can be

    improved and cured completely. For these players it is

    also very important for their team-mates to take a responsibility

    and encourage them to use verbal communication as much

    as possible. Football is a team game.

    The many aspects of communication can be broken

    down in the different phases of play, both in defending

    and attacking. Players need to understand positions

    and the tactics required for the various phases, and

    the need to talk to each other, both for where the player

    should be in any given situation and where the ball should

    be or is expected to be.

    Communication is the responsibility of every player, not

    just the captain or the GOALKEEPER everyone has to

    communicate as if they are the leader on the pitch.

    Each player has a position and an area they are

    responsible for, and in that area they should play

    like a captain and communicate accordingly, calling players

    into their area as needed and advising them what they

    expect of them in their area. In that zone they also need

    to take advice from other players who are perhaps better

    able to see a situation developing from afar.

    Players need to indicate to each other where they

    expect their team-mates to be in any given situation,

    where the ball will be directed to and they should also

    be able to take instruction from any other member

    of the team, regardless of their perceived level in

    the team’s hierarchy.

    It does not matter what the words used are, they

    may be the conventional calls associated with the ball,

    space on the field or the opponent, though the words

    used can be anything, as long as the whole team

    understands the code in use.

    Young players need to focus on the team, and must

    understand that the best players and most successful

    teams have a habit of communicating well. In doing so

    players need to follow these simple rules:

    • Don’t be afraid to instruct and advised your team-mates on what you expect from them.

    • Be responsive to instruction given.

    • Don’t openly criticise your team-mates and encourage whenever possible.

    The ultimate goal is to be able to watch a junior

    match without hearing the coach or a parent shouting

    and screaming instructions at a player, and for all player’s

    to equally give and take important instructions and

    advice from each other.
