Maranguape Futebol Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
MD Esporte Club - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Mestiço FC - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Municipal Futebol Clube São Pedro dos Ferros - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Nobre Simplicidade - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Os'Tentação Fs - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Ouvir Internacional Futebol Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Pacatuba Esporte Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Pinheirense Esporte Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Pirajuí Atlético Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Power Dente Futebol Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Projeto Atleta Cidadão - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
PSG Guarulhos - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Real Minas Futebol Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL (2)
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Rio do Sul FC - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Santa Inês Futebol Club - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Santa Cruz Futebol (RJ) - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Sirtec Futebol Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Sociedade Esportiva e Recreativa Santo Ângelo (RS) - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Sociedade Esportiva Recreativo Corinthians de Mato Perso - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Sociedade Esportiva Ypiranga Futebol Clube (PR) - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Sport Clube São José Ltda - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Sport Durval FC - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Tamoio Futebol Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Teresina Atlético Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Timon Esporte Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Torino Futebol Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
União Recreativo Social Olímpico (URSO) - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Universidade Anhembi Morumbi - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Uruburetama Futebol Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Verdes Mares Esporte Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Vila Velha F.C. - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
Vosso Canal - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 50
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
América de Pedrinhas Futebol Clube - Football Club Academy Trials - BRAZIL
- Hits: 49
Brazil Football Confederation academy trials with this football club.
Brazil Football Team. Confederação Brasileira de Futebol.
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