Last Name: Campbell
City: birmingham
State/Prov: Aston
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: midfield
Current Football Club: i do not play for a team at the moment.
Past Football Clubs: aston manor football team, futsal
Football Club you want a trial for: Aston Villa FC
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: in the past I have played for my school football team, year seven, eight, nine, but not ten. I have played in midfield and defence in the past. I have also been attending futsal for two weeks and they said that they liked me but then stopped because I had to pay ten pound a week to attend. in school i go and play football with the year elevens every Thursday as i am in year ten at the moment. i also played some football games with my church in the past i also go to a place called sacca and play with my friends there everyday after school.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: i am a strong footballer with a good amount of ball control, i can use both of my legs when dribbling the ball. i do not get tired easily when running therefore i have good stamina, great agility which means i can change direction with the ball quick. i am a really fast runner. i can keep control with the ball at some amount of speed.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: The academy should give me a football trial because i am a dedicated footballer and will try my hardest to do anything to reach my goal no matter the challenge i will stay and the top in what i am doing. actually i will do my hardest. i have wanted this for a while and have even prayed about this. i can do every day of the week in training except Saturday MORNINGS but can do the rest of the Saturday. i want this really bad and really dedicated to football and want to get to the top. so please reply to this message. Thank You.
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