oronna rasaq
Age : 18
Your County : nigeria
Your Nationality : nigeria
Best Position : mid-filder
Current Club : kwara united
Previous Clubs : kwara united
Which Club you want a trials for : arsenal
Country you live : nigeria
Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : I started play football at early age of 8 dem my parent tak me to kwara united I played as a mid -fielder 200c iwent 4 a competition we add the second position. 6month later I started playing full time for my time nd I also fstart the first-eleven fans show me a lot of love mayb bcoz I was young nd interligent player ... I win best mid-filder a lot of tym nd I thank god 4 evert tin e did pass my way.
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : About my playing ability I can play a full-time match (90mins) nd I can countiune even if the matched up 2 extra time I excersice myself every other day jst to make me more fit on football nd make me more look up to my coach standard nd I will never fall for my team av mak up to die hard for the team I will belong to nd mak ythe fans be happy has me always
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : Has the academy director you should giv me this oppotunity jst to let you no how better I am on football nd am sure we never regret it..m my dream is to become a profession player one day nd I will we the graetest player I know dis is not easy but I have to do it jst to porshue my dream nd I will never fall please I need the opputunity from u as the director of this from
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