Timothy Mark John Evodius McKay
Age : 18
Your County : England
Your Nationality : Australian
Best Position : Goal Keeper
Current Club : n/a
Previous Clubs : University of Tasmania
Which Club you want a trials for : any/all
Country you live : England
Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : I have been playing soccer since grade three and non-stop since then. I fell in love with goal keeping at an early age and have been playing competitively since. My soccer consists of the firsts team for both my schooling soccer to playing in a club. In grade eleven/twelve I played for University soccer club in the under 19's premier league (Tasmanian), and underwent two training days, a practice match and a formal match every week. I was honored to receive the Andrew Hoppit Memorial Trophy for best Goalkeeper in club at the end of season. I recently moved to the UK to further my soccer career.
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : Psychically, I am a very fit, tall- yet broad player which allows me to be a larger target, reach all areas of the goal and to be threatening in a one on one situation. I have extremely quick reflexes and very rarely allow the ball to pass when in my reach. I never flinch and will not hesitate to jump at the feet of another player. My experience allows me to read the game and communicate with my defense accordingly.
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : Natural ability, persistence and willingness to learn. I believe that given the opportunity I could be something amazing otherwise I wouldn't have moved to London. And am confident my current skill level exceeds what would be expected. I am willing to drop everything to play for a well recognized club and would honestly be surprised if there was a better offer.
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