Last Name: Abel
City: johannesburg
State/Prov: gauteng
Country: Country
Your Age: 24
Playing Position: Right back and central mildfield
Current Football Club: orlando pirates academy
Past Football Clubs: amb.e.e
Football Club you want a trial for: barcelona
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Hi I'm young player with ambition of playing soccer for proffessional team from national wide and soccer is my passion.I will be happy to get the team that will develop my career in soccer and help me to live profession soccer play and that will give me more training to develop my career.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: Soccer is my. Ambition and will help me develop my career in soccer becouse I have what its take for my career and good young player with understanding of. The game and can read the game if we underpresurer.I'm young boy with special talent that people can recognise from different area of football and when I get the team my career in soccer will be highly in good conditions.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I'm young with the understnding of football and hard worker is my passion and I'm willing 2 cum with new skills from different corner area that can be hiding by some player and I'm the fAster read up the game when is playing.I can't magine myself without playing soccer wat will be happend by myself .socccer in ur academy will help me to benefits from the love of soccer thank you
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