Last Name: humphrey-potter
City: norwich
State/Prov: norfolk
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 17
Playing Position: any
Current Football Club: louth town white wolves firts team ,grainthorpe fc
Past Football Clubs: lincon city,biscoveries minteq,sutton rovers,east coast, netherfield
Football Club you want a trial for: norwich city
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have been playing football since I was 4 1/2 years old. Played as a defender, midfielder, also goal keeper have the ability at all these positions, 2012/13 2013/14 played for Louth town white wolves in the northern bar is league, I was on Lincoln city books but left blue to an injury in 2006 . I attend all my training session, I also do boxing and MMA to keep my stamina up, to help me perform my best on the pitch.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: Technical,good in the air, be able to play any position, play with both feet, good vision, physically and mentally fit, quite quick, good stamina, hard worker
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I think the academy manager should give me a football trial as it would give me the opportunity too show them my ability and skill . Also because they can help me improve too become an even better player and help me go further in my football career.
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