: Maphuti Jones Setati
Age : 20
Your County : South-Africa
Your Nationality : RSA
Best Position : Defender-cum-Midfielder
Current Club : England Fc(amature)
Previous Clubs : Goodluck fc(amature)
Which Club you want a trials for : Supersport united fc Arsenal Fc
Country you live : South-Africa
Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : I started playing soccer @ the age of six...basically i have never played in any competitive soccer before. I play tournaments week in & Week out.
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : I am a defender-cum-midfielder with a fast pace & i pass & distribute also a freekick specialist.
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : Because in my area there are no scouts,which means I can't expose my talent to the world. I'm a very disciplined player with the ability to lead my team.i beliee in a dream team with the dream work.gie me a try.
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