Last Name: Evans
City: Swansea
State/Prov: West Glamorgan
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 20
Playing Position: Central Midfield
Current Football Club: No Current Club
Past Football Clubs: Plough colts and Landore colts
Football Club you want a trial for: Any clubs
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: My footballing history isn't spectacular because i was never given a chance or time on the pitch. I have played for 2 clubs at under 17 level local clubs Plough and landore colts. I won 2 awards at plough Club man of the year 2 years in a row i showed my dedication but they didn't play me on the pitch enough which knocked my confidence completely but i still went to every game even showed up unwell once or twice my determination was never rewarded.
I left and joined landore where i played for 1 season same at landore not given enough game time so i stopped playing. 2014 3 or 4 years later i want to be given a chance and be a footballer be a somebody not a nobody.
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