Last Name: Christian Onyedikachi
City: Enugu
State/Prov: Enugu statw
Country: Nigeria
Your Age: 19
Playing Position: 5 or 6
Current Football Club: his devft
Past Football Clubs: coal city football club
Football Club you want a trial for: Everton
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: my name is christian nwafor 19 years old boy who started playing football from the age of ten sence my age of ten i have play for two terms in my village called ph fc and eke fc in my village until I came to the city and joined a term called coal city fc in enugu, I started playing for this term from the age of 13 since then I have been playing for them till a friend of my introdosed me to a new football term called his devft fc in enugu there I am still playing for naw
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I like playing 5 becuase I belive I can hold the defence ,without no oponent goin behind me with the ball without me stoping him and I also enjoyed playing 6 I belive I can make a change in playing 6 and also belive when I am playing 6 I give good passes
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I belive I was born to play football so l tink you should give me a tiral because I belive I can give u what u need in every game to win the game also I belive I can change the game when the game need to change so to win mach
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