Last Name: Griffiths
City: London
State/Prov: Essex
Country: Country
Your Age:
Playing Position: Striker
Current Football Club: Intersports f.c
Past Football Club: None
Football Club You Want Trial For: Tottenham hotspur
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I've been at my current club for a season and have played for both my primary school and senior school . I've been playing football out of a team since I was 4 years old down the park with my dad / brothers . Now finally this season when I did eventually get into a team as my parents both worked weekends I was successful scoring 13 goals and 32 assists in 17 games . I currently play in division 2 but feel our team can progress higher into division 1 or even higher than that .
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Even as a striker I'm not a natural goal scorer I score 1 consistently instead of scoring 2 or 3 a game, I like to receive the ball and hold it up and bring bring other players in if they have better opportunities than me . My height is also good as I'm the tallest in my team . Sometimes I like to add a little bit of flair but not anything over the top . I have set up a large amount of my strike partners around 40 goals this season which shows I like the passing game and counter attacking .
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think an academy manager should give me a trial because. I'm massively passionate about football and it's mainly the only thing I want to do in life, my work rate is high and I'm a team player and I will try hard and give my best on the pitch for the team . I've been a huge tottenham supporter since I was very young and my dream is to one day play for them and bring
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