Last Name: Sherwin
City: Chesham
State/Prov: Buckinghamshire
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: Midfield (centre or wide)
Current Football Club: Chesham United
Past Football Club: Brentford Academy
Football Club You Want Trial For: Any Pro Club
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Currently playing for his local team Chesham United since 6 years old, club captain scoring over 60 goals in last 2 seasons. He also plays for Arsenal Soccer Schools Advanced Training Centre, and was scouted by Brentford Academy where he trained for the last 3 months, scoring on his debut against WHU Academy. Oliver did not sign a contract with Brentford and is seeking another opportunity to aid his development.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Oliver has an excellent attitude, and is extremely athletic as an individual. He is a very technical player for his age with great skills, ability to beat a player and good range of passing, and an eye for goal. Oliver tends to operate in a midfield position either centre, wide, or behind a striker. Oliver has significantly improved his decision making in working with a professional club that has improved him significantly as a player and make him stronger physically and mentally.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Oliver has great ability and attitude that with good professional coaching can further develop him as a player making him a great prospect to look at. He has already spent time with Brentford Academy and learnt what Academy football is about and what it takes to be successful at this level. Initially it was a big step up for him physically, but he felt he was good enough tactically, comfortable and confident in his ability to play with boys at this level. He know's he is too good for local grass roots football, and seeks an opportunity with the right club to show and prove this learning from his time at Brentford.
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