Last Name: Yusuf Adewale
City: Lagos
State/Prov: Lagos
Country: Nigeria
Your Age: 17
Playing Position: Winger
Current Football Club: Wusu Football Club
Past Football Clubs: None
Football Club you want a trial for: Everton
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Actually i started playing football since when i was little although i did not have any football team that i was playing for then. Ummm,,...when i entered secondary school, i started playing for the school team which i won a trophy before i left there.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: Ummmm,, a winger that use both legs and am capable of taking shot from any angle. And also, am capable to take on many deffenders. furthermore, i possess the three main features of football. And these are agility,flexibility and mobility.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: Well, i think an academy manager should give me a football trial because i have a lot of special things in me that other players does not have.
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