Last Name: Nkabinde
City: Pretoria
State/Prov: Gauteng
Country: South Africa
Your Age: 18
Playing Position: stiker
Current Football Club: Pretoria Tech
Past Football Club: Dream team
Football Club You Want Trial For: anY
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have played in a lot of teams.. Some that I've even got money for.. I'm looking for a team now I can grow with. Start a new family.. Soccer runs in My family.. Its blood..
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I'm very good when it comes to atacking, I've played left/right wings before, I'm skillful. I can work out plans buy just looking at the team...
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: We are losing good soccer players now in our football academy, all I want to be is the future star, I want to insire kids that doesn't matter were you live , how u live. Its all in the mind.
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