Last Name: Ayach
City: Gothenburg
State/Prov: Angered
Country: Sweden
Your Age:
Playing Position: Left back
Current Football Club: Gunnilse IS
Past Football Clubs: Guldhedens IK
Football Club you want a trial for: Manchester City
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I play soccer every day for like 5-6 hour a day. I love soccer more than everything in the world, i am fast,quick,smart,and have a great tecniqe. I play leftback im good offensiv and defensiv, im strong, and i understand the game very well, i would love to be like Marcelo, roberto carlos or some one like them.
if you give me a try-out i promise you that you will like me very much as a player. I LOVE SOCCER!!
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I am fast, i am qick, i understand the game very well, i am smart, my tecniq is good, i train every day, i can run a long time without getting tired,i assist many goals, i can find great passes, i am good defensive and offensive.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I love soccer more than most people do, i train atleast 5 hours everyday and i am a great player, i develope very fast and good. If you give me a trail i promise you that you wont regret it!
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