Last Name: Kabir Umar
City: coventry
State/Prov: westmidlaands
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 27
Playing Position: mid field
Current Football Club: nill
Past Football Clubs: nill
Football Club you want a trial for: coventry, birmingham FC
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I am from nigeria played good in my grass root level couldn't make it to the registered teams because of my studies. midfielder with good passing ability, long pass and close pass. I have a small body but strong when with the ball, I have speed so I some times play from the front wing s and also very good in crossing ball. Average skills. Good scoring ability from far distance because of the average shooting ability. Most of my goals are free kicks.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: midfielder with good passing ability, long pass and close pass. I have a small body but strong when with the ball, I have speed so I some times play from the front wing s and also very good in crossing ball. Average skills. Good scoring ability from far distance because of the average shooting ability. Most of my goals are free kicks
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I want a trial because I know I can make it to the standard and this is my opportunity for me to display what I have been learning since when I am born and that I have full interest in football.
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