Last Name: Warren-paul
City: Birmingham
State/Prov: England
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: left midfeild
Current Football Club: kings heath sports
Past Football Club: none
Football Club You Want Trial For: aston villa
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Ive always dream of being pro or even get into a pro team it would be a honor to get into villa or any other team but my mind is set on villa in however I like too set other people up for chances also ive never missed a training session no matter what.ill take in every instruction and make it my homework, I play football every week with my mates and practise but my history has been all good ive won most of my schools football tornements and wont ever look to lose again sorry I not sure if this is a 100 but thats all
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Im determined and dont like to lose if I lose ill ask where I need to improve and work on it. I go down the wing quite rapidly I lefy footed so it helps same I can realy not descriwne mone if me in a 100 words.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think you shoulf give me a trial because like I said im keen strong on the ball and hate admitting defeat and also I have stamina if you dont accept me your really missing out!
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