Last Name: Solomon
City: Lagos
State/Prov: Lagos/Suruler
Country: Nigeria
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: Primarily Attack but can also play as a centre back,right back and defensive mid-field
Current Football Club: no professional club yet
Past Football Clubs: no pro club yet
Football Club you want a trial for: Man United Fc,Bayern Munich and other good european clubs
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I've played in several competitions and have won some(with proves),The most recent one's won were in Oct and Dec 2013 in Lagos and Aba respectively also won the football tournament in the Ekiti state festival 2012,I've played in about 8 state in Nigeria.Currently playing in a competition in with the hopes of winning it.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I have a very good shot power on my right foot,good speed,agile,good on the air and with the head,good tackling skills and I'm also a utility player.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I'm a good young player who is not just a good attacker but can play very well from other wings.I'm fucosed,love to play football and I'm confident that by God's grace I can deliver.(Height 5ft,10inchs
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