: Lee cross
Age : 25
Your County : England
Your Nationality : English
Best Position : Mid field
Current Club : 299 para Sqn re
Previous Clubs : St. Andrews police club
Which Club you want a trials for : Hull city/Liverpool
Country you live : England
Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : Played for primary school team neasden primary then went on to play for St. Andrews police boys and in total played for them for ten years I had been in the hull city academy played for hull boys in the top league mitre league I am now currently playing in the Humber premiere and also serving in 299 para Sqn re and running in a running club east hull harriers.
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : Well I started up front when I first started playing then moved down to mid field but I am flexible I can play in most positions and learn fast I am good passer of the ball all moving to seek other options always making runs and bringing out other players out of the game I have good vision and as a mid fielder that is paramount and also have good communications between players.
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : The reason why is that I have had ten years experience and I feel that I am going to waste if I don't get that last chance now I am at the age of 25 it has been my dream since 7 years old when I started playing and as u know when you are good enough or you think you are and you never get that chance it is hard to live with for the rest of your life thinking could I of been a footballer so the reason why is that I am good enough but never had the chance to be look at enough and if it turns out I am not then I can start thinking of a alternative career and that is all I have for the reason why I should have a chance at other trials.
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