Last Name: FIDELIS
Country: Nigeria
Your Age: 17 YEARS
Playing Position: WEGER 7
Current Football Club: NICE FOOTBALL CLUB
Past Football Clubs: NICE FOOTBALL CLUB
Football Club you want a trial for: CHELSEA
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Am a young football star from nice football culb i strated playing football at the age of 7 years i love football to the extend that i cant depart from it i have been selcted to places and many states and places to represent my state or culb and i have pleyed alot of competition in my state?
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: Am good in playing 7 2 10 i play a football that impress thousand of people in the field of play, iplay the best i can and leave the rest for god thousand of poeple and player like the partern of my football i dont fear my oponet and i make sure i distribute the ball to my team mate
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: The academey manager give trial because to know my perform in the field of play and to knw my ability wether am really good in doing it?
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