Last Name: Ranawat
City: Ajmer
State/Prov: Rajasthan
Country: India
Your Age: 20
Playing Position: LW-RW-CAM
Current Football Club: None
Past Football Club: None
Football Club You Want Trial For: Any second division club
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started football 9yrs ago.Since then i've learnt alot.I am continously working.I've played for my school.I was the captain of my football team.I am great crosser and have created many goals for my team.After some time playing for local club I had to leave football because of family obligations.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I am very dynamic player.I can play at many positions.I can play RW-RB-CAM-LW.I am good dribbler.I am very agile, have good acceleration.I can defend, attack, create, score.I adapt myself for team's best.I am most efficient on the wide areas because of dribbling and crossing skills
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I am very hard worker.I compete with myself.I am a quick learner and always try to test myself to limits.If you see me play you will be amazed to see the knowledge ans skill I posses without being trained in an academy.I just need a chance, a platform to prove myself.I have never disappointed my coaches.
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