Last Name: Akpim
City: Sabon tasha
State/Prov: Kaduna
Country: Nigeria
Your Age:
Playing Position: Right back(defender)
Current Football Club: Nill
Past Football Clubs: Royal football academy and macdavison football academy
Football Club you want a trial for: Southampton football academy
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I am a young football player who is currently playing football at grassroot level,i have played for royal football academy and macdavison, football academy, i have a great passion for the game and am a talented footballer who is seeking for greener pastures.but right now i have no club
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: Am a versatile player but my favourite position is playing at d right back(defend) and i add more creativity at the attack
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: Because am a defender with great talent and am versatile player which can add creativity to a team
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