Last Name: otchere
City: Greater Accra
State/Prov: Accra
Country: Ghana
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: 10
Current Football Club: non
Past Football Clubs: bacerlona
Football Club you want a trial for: non
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: my name is Abdul ghafar otchere and i came from ghana ,i am a footballer my position 10 also i will 16 year old ,i was first playing for a team called bacerlona in here ,ghana , i have played and scored many goals ,i can't tell you all beacuse i can not remember but i remembre same 3 marches that we have played i have scored 6 goal that is each march i scoal 3 goal but i can not prove it onless you see me playing ,so i beg you me so that i can came for trails because i do have money to take a plane so you can even send me a visa so i should do a passport and for trails please and you will not regreat for give me visa please this is numbre incase my mail don't work +233 0570928331 THANK YOU GOD BLESS YOU
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: i can do every thing on field , like tackling , giving pass both long and shoot , i am also a best dribler , i make football more entertain by showing skills , moves , last but not the list my goal scoaring ability ,excellent .
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: the reason is that am samply the best footbeller to be , am i very seriour on the feild and out the feild also i train alot and also rest to recover my energy , also do like to wast my time for nothing only football because that is what i will do as my work and finaly am very respectful , i resfect every body
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