Last Name: katema
City: lusaka
State/Prov: lusaka
Country: Zambia
Your Age: 19
Playing Position: forward
Current Football Club: hydrotech
Past Football Clubs: pro elite,makubi stars,lusaka club,avondale stars,oydc soccer team,chudleigh f.c
Football Club you want a trial for: cardiff city
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have played for a lot of clubs which gains me a lot of game knowledge and how to deal under pressure,stay physically/mentally strong and how to listen to my team mates and manger,I play as a forward which I have been top scorer in school and 3rd in the zambian super amature league,I always fight for my place and make sure I produce my hard work on the ground giving a 101 percent
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I run at 12.7 seconds under a hundred meters and 15.01 under 200 meters,I weigh 60 kg and use my pace and light weight to beat my defenders,I am a natural right footer but trained my left foot to shoot and pass accuratly,I am 173cm of height and jump up to 180cm and a total team player
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I will not waste his time with petty skills but express my full ability and listen to all his instractions on and off the ground,I am not only soccer smart but academically wise which brains on the ground will be used,iam a team player and make descions best for the team and club,I control my temper in tough situations and try to think for the team and not myself.
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