Last Name: Webster
City: Wolverhampton
State/Prov: West Midlands
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 17
Playing Position: Right back/ Central defensive mid
Current Football Club: Wednesfield Community
Past Football Club: Moreton Community School
Football Club You Want Trial For: Wolves
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: My inspiration for football began when I was at a very young age, Paul Ince set my goal I wanted to be as great as him and even better then him. Durring my primary schools years I competed in several match covering three positions, centre back, right mid and stricker. I persude this ambition in my secondary school by paticipating in football training session, which I sucsessfully gained a position as right back, which to this day is my favouite position to play.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: My playing abilities are making sure that no crosses are able to get in the box, put in tackles when needed, when the ball comes to me, to either play a simple pass or get rid so the other team don't threat, for corners to make sure that the player im marking doesn't get past and score, if I go up for corners to try and lose the player that's marking me and try and score, give to support a team mate when needed, to make sure that the midfielder doesn't get past me and to stay on him.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: The manager should give me a trial is because iv always wanted to do what I love, I'll give him a 110% effort in, I train to keep fit ready for the next season, I just want to make something of my life and what better way to it is to what im good at.I got most improved player of the season in my first season with a club and joint most man of the match with 5 so if I can do that in my first season think what I could achieve for him, please give me a chance please.
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