Last Name: Azizzada
City: London
State/Prov: Westminster
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: Left wing
Current Football Club: Aslan football club
Past Football Club: Sporting academy
Football Club You Want Trial For: QPR
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I Started football when I was very little 6 or 5 in Afghanistan. Back then , we just played in the street with our friends . When I was 10 or 11 I played with 16 and 17 years old boys. 2012 I came to London. I played for my secondary school in year 7. Then I went to a club called Aslan football club. I have been playing for them for about 6 months. Also now I have been playing for my youth club for about 1 year which really helped me build on my ability.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: My position in football has always been left wing because I love scoring goals for my team and also I think left wing is the best position for my because I have got a lot of speed.
I have always practiced on shots, passes, and dribbling and tried to make them even better and accurate and I far as I know they are. I have self confidence but everyone has bad days. I also love making runs to get the ball from a midfielder and tried to assist or to score a goal.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think a academy manager should give me trials because I want to show my football skills to mangers and scouts and express my self. I have and I always will put 100*\* effort and tried my best of abilities in football. I deserve a chance because I know I am good and I will make it but only if they see and give me a chance. Even if you give me trails and i don't get scouted, I will still keep trying hard and keep applying for trials and keep getting better.
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