Full Name : Mason Ellis
    Date of Birth : 31/03/2012
    Your Nationality : British
    Best Position : Left Back/Left Midfield
    Current Club : Chelsmford City

    Previous Clubs : Hoddesdon Town
    Which Club you want a trials for : Any
    Your County : Hertfordshire
    Country you live : England

    Tell us about your football history (Min 50 words) : As a child i played for Broxbourne Rangers whilst playing for them we won the league three years on the run, also won several tours and the Colchester Cup and The League Cup. At the age of Eleven i was at the cCentre of Excellence for Stevenage i was there for three years. I trialled to get into the Academy out of 100 or so boys i made the last twenty two then it was cut by four unfrotunately it was not my time. I played district football for the school. Also i played in the Eastern Alliance Rep Squad for two years.I have had trials which i have paid for for Football Cv but nothing has ever come of them. Turning sixteen i go to Turnford Sixth Form at the Tottenham Developement Programme. I also trialled for Soccoricon and got chosen from hundreds of boys to go to a college and play football out there next year..I am constantly chasing my dream but sometimes feel i take one step forward and then nothing happens...I am a great believer that my day will come just have to keep working hard.

    Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : From a very young age i have been able to kick naturally with both feet so i was always at advantage i could play on either side of the pitch and quite comfortably trick my opponent. In the teams i played for they always played me on the left which over the years became my stronger side but still very comfortable on both feet. As a youngest i have had to work on my speed which i now have but i was very fortunate that the speed of my brain on the football pitch hepled i have been told by several Managers that i have a very good footballing brain i see the picture before i make the pass sometimes to advance for the players that i actually play with. I am very comfortable on the ball due to this i very rarely get tackled. I never panic. In all my teams i have played for i have always taken the free kicks and scored several fantastic goals some in very crucial times. I also take the corners as i am very good at kicking dead balls.I have always taken the penaltys and have only ever missed two out of many.

    Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : I feel i deserve a chance i love the game and it is my dream to be a footballer like most boys. Sometimes i feel i have not been in the right place at the right time where as other boys have who i know and have gone on to be seen and maybe signed for a club which is great...I know it is so hard to be seen by clubs but i do believe that sometimes they might miss out on so many talented boys. I feel i could be one of them if i was coached by great coaches as i know i have the ability and the heart to be good. I watch the beautiful game every week and sometimes i look at the amount of professionals there are and they were once in my position chasing their dream and now they have it....I want that i just want a chance to be seen and maybe train with an academy for a while to see if i have what it takes. I also look at how little left sided players we have and that some right sided players play on the left who can obviously kick with they left foot but will always try to come on to the foot they feel most comfortable there right. I am a left sided player who always will kick with his right foot if needed. We need more Left Backs in our teams i could be the boy for them who knows!!!!