Last Name: mapfumo
City: johannesburg
State/Prov: gauteng
Country: South Africa
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: cam and cf
Current Football Club: nale football academy
Past Football Clubs: juniour chiefs,dynamos fc ,kaizer chiefs juniour and nale football academy
Football Club you want a trial for: nottingham forest
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: when i started playing soccer i started with juniour chiefs .there was abig tournament and on that tournament there where choosing best players and take them to better teams.they chose me and some of my teammates they took us to that tournament i scored 11 goals ,7 assists and 2 yellow cards and to me that was unfair .the south african teams came to zimbabwe scouting for for youngstars and they took me to kaizer chiefs after that the other team called "nale" took me and since now i m still playingfor nale football academy. so can you please do me afavour so that i can show you that i have a good talent
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: im good in team a team work ,i can drible ,i am good i shot passes .i am good in deffance i they take the ball from me i have a pottential of getting the ball back .i also like shots on target and spectaculer goals .i am good in sprinting with the ball .i also an abilities of loving my teammates.and also listening to my coach and refferee.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: because they have faith on me and they know that i can do it.and they also want me to go on with my talent and show those who are jelous that with a big team like urs i can do academy coach is very proud of me and he know that i can do please just get me and i will show u how i play
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