Last Name: Mbwese
City: Ilford, Essex
State/Prov: Essex
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: Left back, Defensive midfield and Right back
Current Football Club: Tower Hamlets Fc
Past Football Club: Romford Flyers Fc
Football Club You Want Trial For: Leyton Orient
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: My football history, I started football at a local church team at the age of 11, I have been playing at this local church team from year 7-11. Starting from year 10, is when I joined a Echo Premier team called Romford Flyers Fc, after the season ended I joined a Eastern Junior Alients team which is Tower Hamlets Fc.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: My playing ability, I'm Left footed, 6 foot 4; I'm strong with my upper body. I like to work hard, my right foot needs a bit more work so does my slide tackling
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think an Academy manager should give me a football trial because I believe I can succeed through this trial also I can experience academy football/trials and learn something new during the trial and from this trial I might be able to see what level I'm at and be able to notice what I need to work on.
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