Last Name: Laing
City: Glasgow
State/Prov: South Lanarkshire
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: LB/CM/CAM
Current Football Club: EKFC Blues
Past Football Club: EK Boro
Football Club You Want Trial For: Rangers/Middlesbrough
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: My football history is really good because i am always wanting to play football, even if i am playing against older ones because it means i can learn new skills, be stronger and not to be feared to hold the ball when under pressure and it means when it comes to playing with my team i have learned to look for the right pass make good choices and always have my head up if the opponents score and get straight in to them and try get a goal back
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I believe my playing ability is sometimes good and maybe even better because when i get good feedback of opponents/team mates i think it gives me a boost to want to play every Sunday and show what other teams what skills i have a just have fun at the same time and enjoy my football.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: i think the reason a academy manager should give me a trial is because i feel i am a good player, i listen to what is being asked of me and i try and do it and hope it gets accomplished by listening to what was said of the manger. I would be there to play to the best of my ability and take everything on board what is being said also i would not be shy i would be polite and nice to whoever is in charge on that day and football is just like the only thing i have a feel god about to myself and if i didn't get it, i would be sad but i would still keep my head up and search for more opportunities and just hope for the best in future.
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