Last Name: djhad
City: tourcoing
State/Prov: nord
Country: France
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: middlefield
Current Football Club: zulte waregem(belgium)
Past Football Club: losc,and Valenciennes football club
Football Club You Want Trial For: Norwhich
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: i m a middlefield player in zulte waregem (level u17 elite) and i 'm u16.
i played last year in valenciennes football club at the same level(u17 ,i was 14).
i played only in professionnals clubs
2004/2010 LOSC
2010/2013 Valenciennes
2013/2014 Zulte waregem(league 1 in belgium,qualified for the europa league)
ihave integrated the "Pole espoir of Lievin"a great academy in france(like kakuta gael ,Varane raphael,etc.....),while playing for Vafc:you may have more inforations in internet about it
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: i m technical,go fast and have a good vision of game.
I don't fear nobody in a field
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: ilike winning and hate loosing.
Football is more than agame for me ,it is my passion and want to be a professionnal of football.
I played a football different than english's foot and think it could be something interessant for your team,and like i said i only played in well known professionnal french's team and i really think i can be useful for you ,and moreover i like english foot,one of the best in the world aafter spain's game to my mind
I don't care to take risks in the way of i play football because ifootball is pleasure and show too
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