> Last Name: Deacy
> E-Mail Address:
> City: Cardiff
> State/Prov: whitchurch
> Country: United Kingdom
> Current Football Club: Cardiff Draconians
> Past Football Clubs: Cardiff Draconians
> Football Club you want a trial for: Cardiff city
> Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I used to be a right back in my younger ages, and had players player of the season in my first season, I then moved into centre back for a season which went rather well as well, I then moved to left back in which I stayed for the rest of my under ages career but I am now 18 and a goalkeeper.
> Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I am able to read the game very quickly and am able to expect the unexpected, I am confident with the ball at my feet and telling my defence where to be, I also have quick reactions and come out quickly I'm also not afraid to go through some one and a very good shot stopper.
> Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I think an academy manager should give me a trial as I can bring a big presence to a football club, I am broad which when shout may be very intimidating to opponents, and never give up no mater what the score.
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