Last Name: Obuobi
City: Accra
State/Prov: Greater Accra
Country: Ghana
Your Age: 19 years
Playing Position: Central midfielder
Current Football Club: Chelsea
Past Football Clubs: Young Kotoko
Football Club you want a trial for: FC Barcelona
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing as a left back because i us good at tackling but i was moved to the midfield position because am able to give acurate passes and dribble well.i can also play wings(7 position) because of my speed
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: Am good at passes,thus long and short passes. Am able to dribble pass defenders in the 18 yard. I have goal scoring abilities
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: Because i know am a good midfielder and when given the opportunity, i can play like iniesta in the center of the pitch and play like messi in the 18 yard
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