Last Name: Devjibhai
City: Wembley
State/Prov: United Kingdom, London
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: right striker and Right winger
Current Football Club: Forest united football club
Past Football Clubs: wilesden football club
Football Club you want a trial for: Arsenal FC
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started football from age 11 and I love football I used to play for wilesden football club in which I went on 2 summer camps which made me really good and now I am looking for a football trail so a coach can see my playing ability and think of sponsoring me on a good team. I play for my school team as well. currently i'm attending the forest united football club
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I play as a centre forward. I can understand every player and my powerful dribbling to pierce through opposition defence. My assisting is good which can make a goalkeeper confuse on last minute. I am the target men which header the ball when the right winger crosses because my heading football skill is excellent
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: Your academy director can give me trial by checking me out by how good I play and every footballer deserves at least one chance. Additionally, It will be a profit for academy director because the team really needs a good players which can make the opposing defeat.
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