Last Name: olamilekan
City: Lagos
State/Prov: ogun state
Country: Nigeria
Your Age: 22yrs
Playing Position: attacker
Current Football Club: ultimate fc
Past Football Club: youngshallgrow fc
Football Club You Want Trial For: arsenal fc
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football when I was in primary school till I enter secondary school I joined youngshallgrow fc I started playing with them for some years,later I was called by joining ultimate fc I was started playing league within our state and inter state I took football as my daily food later I was told by my parent to seek for helpers to help me out because they're poor no money and then they don't want my football talent to useless,when they know that I can do anything without football that is reason why I seek for your help
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I'm so strong,
I'm skillful
I'm discipline
running with holding ball
I can play full time
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