Age : 16
Your County : SOUTH AFRICA
Your Nationality : BURUNDIAN
Current Club : HUNT ROAD S S
Previous Clubs : CHICAGO
Which Club you want a trials for : NEWCASTLE
Country you live : SOUTH AFRICA
Write about your football history : when i was small , i always wanted to do someting exiting, someting that will always keep me happy , then i discorverd "soccer". Since that day i discorverd soccer and touched the ball my life changed. My life was never the same again , sooner later i began developing strong feeling for soccer , but then i did not know how to play soccer , when ever i played soccer , people loughed at me , i felt like a joke , and people where buisy telling me that i will never make it in soccer, that realy turned my spirit of playing soccer down.then came the year 2011 , i told my self that i need to train my self to play soccer very well , then i began training every day , every free time i had , i would just take the ball and go and train my self. day by day i started seeing that im developing , not only my self i saw that , even people who where loughing at me began to see that , they started coming to me asked me to join they team , up to this day i am very pruod of myself of what i have achieved, and i know and believe that my dream of becoming a proffesional soccer player and playing in Englands league will become a reality
Write about your Playing Ability : im very quick and fast nad never run out of energy that easly , i have good ball control and good eye side for passing the ball, and im always there when my team mate need me to cover for them.and also good in free kick and shooting the ball.the best thing about me is that im very disciplined in the field and off field.
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial : Because , he will be giving me a chance of becoming a profesional soccer player and bringing my dream to reality.and i promise , if i get the chance i will give all of my best during the trail, and i a sho that you will never regret inviting me for the tails. but even if do not get the trail i will never stop making my dream a reality.
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