Raji Damilola Abiodun
Age : 18
Your County : Nigeria
Your Nationality : Nigerian
Best Position : defensive midfielder
Current Club : Nil
Previous Clubs : Nil
Which Club you want a trials for : Chelsea Football Club
Country you live : Nigeria
Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : I was born into a football loving family, which made me have optimum interest in the game. I started tip tapping football with my friends right from when I knew how the round leather looked like. I engaged in a 5 aside football match right from my primary school days,where I discovered my abilities in defensive roles for about five years. I later proceeded to secondary school,where my love for football grew immensely. I continued in my defensive role but now to a defensive mid fielder where all my colleagues do run from me when with the ball because its always difficult getting pass me. Now in the University,where I play for Plato academy(the department of Philosophy in the University of Ibadan,Nigeria). I have played in the famous Super4 league for my great department, the department of Philosophy,University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : As a tall player of 6ft 3inches, its of great privilege for any opponent to get pass through me, because of my physique. When on the field of play, am so dedicated to whatever team I play for because all on my mind is "Victory". I don't get tired easily because of my regular trainings and fitness exercises. I also have the ability of playing as a centre back when I am instructed to do so. I make use of my head well when on the field of play and always difficult to mark out when contesting for the ball.
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : Right from my childhood days, have always dreamt of becoming nothing but a prominent football known for positive deeds. This attribute, always on my mind, make me have the focus and believing I would be a footballer someday. Football is my life. I enjoy playing and watching football to attending classes in school. Football is in me!!
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