Last Name: adanemhen
City: london
State/Prov: se5
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: senter forward and left wing
Current Football Club: dulitch hamlet
Past Football Club: docklands , south London district millwall trailist
Football Club You Want Trial For: millwall or charlton
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: in my past few seasons with clubs i have been playing in more difficult positions on the pitch but when i play up top then i can fully express myself on the pitch and score a few goals as well.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: my playing ability is quite good i am able to do most skills and pick out a pass the ball with pace witch could be destructive to an defence also if i am told to do something i will try my hardest to achieve it als i have played against academies and i have been on tour 2 times so i know what i am doing. last but not least anything you make me do i will do because my ability is good enough
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: this is because i have had experience of academy level and even though i am young i am willing t strive hard and get to that level of greatness even so i am very hungry to be there and i want only one chance to show you what i am able to do.
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