Last Name: Adebule
City: Lagos
State/Prov: Lagos
Country: Nigeria
Your Age:
Playing Position: Attacking midfield , Right Back
Current Football Club: None
Past Football Clubs: None
Football Club you want a trial for: Manchester United
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I am still in secondary school so I do not really have any history but I have gone for school competitions. I have two bronze medals for my school for soccer and a silver medal for athletics showing that I have good speed.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I move the ball forward however possible because my aim is to support my striker . I keep the ball looking for the best opening by dribbling my way in. I draw defender out to create space for a run by my team mate. I am really fast on the ball and off the ball. I have played some defensive roles before like center back, right back and defensive midfield too. I performed well except my height was not of good use. I am not injury prone so I can play consecutively.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I have craved all my life to become a great soccer player and I am determined to do through almost anything to become one of the best. All through primary school I told my parents I wanted to go into soccer but they though I was just being childish but now that I'm in my final year of my secondary education and I still insisted so they finally agreed. I believe my ability to play in so many positions is of much advantage and under the training of qualified coaches I should be able to improve and find my best position on the field. I promise to not let you down
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