mohammad araby
Last Name: 18
City: nassarawa
State/Prov: kano
Country: Country
Your Age: 18
Playing Position: attacking mid fielder wings
Current Football Club: Nigerian pepsi foot ball academy
Past Football Club: 11 boys
Football Club You Want Trial For: everton
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Yes I stated my foot ball from primary school I have being in the school team,after school I used to go to training in my club fc santo after 1 year there was a team called bacelona called me to join them due to my paticipate in my former club I also play many marches as well as state league in that time after 2Years pepsi academy called me I join them I attended national program through pepsi academy after that time nigerian pepsi academy called me which is the team that am currently playing know.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Am playing with speed some time, am also using both leg which means left and right am playing many position but my best position are attacking mid field.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Because of my paticipating and the promotion that I am getting in small period.
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