mohammed sadam zhaky
Age : 16
Your County : nigeria
Your Nationality : nigeria
Best Position : offensive midfider 10
Current Club : marvelous academy
Previous Clubs : ifelodun fc
Which Club you want a trials for : ac milan
Country you live : 97. ojo road ajegunle lagos
Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : Have being Playing footbal fRom when I was five yeaRs of age.I havE Pasion fOr it have plAYed many grass rooT comPetiotio wich my grass root clUb won havE Also PlayeD junior leagUe FOr my locaL goveRMent wherE we werE givE sum littlR money to mAnagE wIth.have Sufferd a lot because of footbaLl trainIng UnDer rain under sun nO mater tHe weATher I still long for football because Is my life my soul I love football I have passion for it nd I will never stop Untill I Will get to the place Of my destinY pls help my dreAM
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : Am a good midfider I plaY fRom Position 10 my paSses are accurate nd CompleTe I give more thAn Fifty accurate pass in a match my making ability are good nd my pLayiNG is CoNsisteNT nD am 6 Fit Of hIghT 16 years of age
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : An acadEMy Direct mUst hElp me because I love football I have pAssion for it nd am veRy good at the Proffession it my destiny my desire I always have joy when I find my seLf in the fieLD of football playing football it makes me happy.nd I will like the acadeMY directOR to suport my dreAm bcZ I will never let u down I will always make u People proud. Because football is my dream
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