Last Name: Mukuka
City: johannesburg
State/Prov: Gauteng
Country: South Africa
Your Age:
Playing Position: Right Wing
Current Football Club: Bealieu Tigers
Past Football Club: Bealieu Tigers
Football Club You Want Trial For: cardiff City,Crystal Palace,Southapton
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I am a youth footballer who started club football at a young age.I have played club football my entire life and am expirienced in football at a young age.I have no international Caps as of yet.I have attend North Rand Trials and East Rand trials.I soon hope to make the South Aftican Junior National team in coming years
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I am a quick and strong winger.I have a powerful shot and can shoot from distance when cutting in I can play other positions like Wing back or Left wing or Striker.I have exceptional skill and pace.I have very good stamina and can last up too 90 minutes playing with a bit of energy.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: An academy manager should give me a trial because I have worked my whole life to get a club overseas and have worked tiresly to get a club overseas I have dedicated my life to football and If a manager gave me a chance I would show my gratefulness on the field at matches and training sessions.And I would be able to contribute to the club for years to come.
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