Vitor Augusto
Last Name: Gregorio Cappellini
City: Sao Paulo
State/Prov: Sao Paulo
Country: Brazil
Your Age: 24
Playing Position: Right / Centre Midfielder
Current Football Club: FC Wohlen
Past Football Club: SC Kriens
Football Club You Want Trial For: Milwall FC
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing professional football in Brazil, under20's and state championships such as Paulista serieB and Baiano serieA between 2008 and 2011. 2011 played serie C2 in Italy for Catanzaro and since 2012 i have been playing in Switzerland. 12/13 For SC Kriens and 13/14 FC Wohlen (challenge league)
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I am a very technique, intelligent and strong player, dedicated and hard worker, always looking to pass the ball and give assistances.i also like to create a lot of goal opportunities.Very good skills on long and short strikes,corners and free kicks. I can also played as a defensive midfielder. Strong on the headers and tackles and quality to play on counter attacks
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Because i worked hard to get where i am now but i still think i can do much more. I want to show you that i am able to play at this level and just need a opportunity, I want a new challenge and play in England is a dream. I got Portuguese nacionality so it makes easier to work in Europe.
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