Last Name: Agyemang
City: Ashanti kumasi
State/Prov: Ghana
Country: Ghana
Your Age: 16years
Playing Position: midfielder
Current Football Club: crystal palaxe
Past Football Clubs: crystal palace
Football Club you want a trial for: Barcelona fc
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Agyemang Francis is my name ,a boy at the age of 16 and a footballer.I played for a club in Ghana called crystal palace football club and as a Wenger as well.I went to school at the presbyterian senior high school and has completed my education. I start playing football when I was at the age of 3.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I am a kind of player who always give accurate pass. Have the speed.also good in dribbling and always lead,my team to win trophies.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: In other to get the chance to play for the club and also achieve my aims as a footballer.
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